How to Wrap a Gaming Chair

A gaming chair is an essential accessory for any gamer. But if you want to shift your gaming step up, shift your home, going for a long vacation or have a LAN tournament, you’ll need to wrap it for your own comfort. Sometimes LAN tournament organization doesn’t provide proper gaming chair for the gamer. Luckily, wrapping a gaming chair is no more difficult than wrapping a Christmas gift. In this article, we will show you how to wrap a gaming chair.

How to Wrap a Gaming Chair

What are the parts of a gaming chair?

There are five main parts to a gaming chair:

  1. The seat
  2. Back
  3. Arms
  4. A base
  5. Headrest

9 Easy Steps for How to Wrap a Gaming chair

Wrapping gaming chairs requires patience and skill. But, we have easy steps to make your task easier. Before you start, make sure you have the following materials: 

Tools and Materials:

  1. Packing tape
  2. Scissors
  3. Fabric at least 4 feet wide by 8 feet tall
  4. Cutting mat
  5. A marker and
  6. Bubble wrap.

You will also need a large enough space to lay out all the parts of the gaming chair. Once you have gathered everything, follow these steps to wrap your gaming chair.

Step 1: First, Remove the Cushion and Pillow

The first step is to remove the seat cushion and the lumbar pillow if your chair has one. Most gaming chairs have a Velcro strap that you can undo to remove the seat cushion. The pillow is usually attached to the back of the chair with Velcro or ties. These can be wrapped separately and will make the chair easier to carry. Make sure to label which parts are which with tape and a marker so you can reassemble the chair later. Once you have removed these two parts, put them to the side. Next, lay out all the parts of the gaming chair in the order they will be going back on.

Remove the Seat Cushion

Step 2: Remove the Back, Seat, and Armrests

Next, measure the seat and note down the dimensions. You will need to know the dimensions of the seat in order to purchase the right amount of fabric. Then, remove the seat from the chair. This can be done by unscrewing the bolts that hold the seat in place. Make sure to remove the bolts carefully so that you do not damage the wrapping paper. Next, unscrew the arms from the chair. Again, there should be bolts holding them in place.

Step 3: Take Measurements of All the Components

After all the components have been removed. Lay them out on the floor to ensure that they are in the correct order. Then, take the measurements of all the components. That will give you a good starting point for the fabric and foam you will need to purchase. Once you have done this, move on to step 4.

Step 4: Cut the fabric shape of the seat cushion

You’ll need a clean piece of fabric that’s at least 4 feet wide by 8 feet tall. Next, you’ll need some tape (we recommend duct tape). Finally, you’ll need a cutting mat and scissors. Start by cutting out the shape of the backrest. Then cut out the front part of the seat cushion. Once you’ve got those pieces cut out, lay them down flat on the table. Now, take the tape and place it along the edges of the seat cushion. Make sure to leave enough space between each strip so that when you fold the fabric, there will be no wrinkles.

Lay Them Down Flat on the Table

Step 5: Prepare the Cardboard Box for All the Components of the Gaming Chair

You will need to prepare the cardboard box for foam and fabric. To do this measure which size of box you will need and cut the cardboard accordingly. Then, take the cardboard and fold it in half so that you have a straight edge to work with. Once you have done this, take the cardboard and cut out a rectangle that is 2 inches wider and longer than the box. This will be the base of the gaming chair. Use those dimensions to create the foam and fabric. Then,

  1. Wrap with fabric for the back and sides of the chair.
  2. Wrap with foam for the front and top of the chair and also vulnerable parts.

Step 6: Putting the Chair Into the Back of the Bubble Wrap

Putting the chair into the back of the bubble wrap is the last step in wrapping your gaming chair. Make sure to line the chair up in the correct direction and fit it snugly into the bubble wrap. Then, fold the excess bubble wrap over the top of the chair and tape it down. Make sure to leave enough space so that you can move the chair around and adjust it to your liking. Next,

Bubble Wrap Over the Top of the Chair
  • Wrapping the legs
  • Wrapping the arms 
  • Wrapping the back
  • Wrapping the lumbar

Step 7: Then, Make and Drill the Holes in the Cardboard

After you have wrapped the chair with fabric, foam, and tape, it is time to drill the holes in the cardboard. The holes should be large enough to fit the bolts that hold the chair together, but not too large that the foam or fabric tears. You will also need to cut a hole in the top of the box for the chair arm. Then, line up the chair in the correct direction and mark where the holes should go. You will also need to make a hole in the back of the chair so that you can put the chair into the box.

Step 8: Pinning and Sewing

Once you have situated the chair in the correct direction and fitted it snugly into the bubble wrap, it is time to start pinning and sewing. First, line up the chair in the correct direction and mark where the holes should go. Then, use a hole punch to make holes in the cardboard that are the correct size. After that, take a piece of fabric and mark the placement of the holes on it.

Step 9: Lastly, Wiring(Elastic String)

Wire the whole cardboard together using an elastic string. Make sure that the elastics are the correct way around. After you have wired the whole cardboard together you are ready to go.

You Can Check It Out to Make Gaming Chair More Comfortable

What Are the Most Important Parts of Wrapping It?

The most important parts of wrapping gaming chairs are the seat, back, armrests, and base. The back of a gaming chair is the most important part. If the back of the chair is not properly wrapped, it may be possible to crack. The back of the chair is also very important because it is usually the only part that will stay on the chair. The base is also very important because if holding the chair with one hand. Seat and armrests are also very important because the chair will not be stable if they are not wrapped properly.

You Can Check It Out to Clean a Gaming Chair

Back of a Gaming Chair

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do Gaming Chairs Have Pillows?

Gaming chairs have pillows because they are comfortable. Pillows are generally used to add more comfort to the chair. They are also used to adjust the height of the chair. Gaming chairs have many different types of pillows. They come in different shapes and sizes. The shape and size of the pillow are based on the type of chair.

What Are the Holes in the Back of a Gaming Chair for?

The holes in the back of a gaming chair are for the chair’s lumbar support. The lumbar support is used to make sure that the person sitting in the chair is comfortable. Also, the lumbar support is used to make sure that the person is sitting straight and that their spine is not in an uncomfortable position.


After following those simple steps we will easily be able to warp your gaming chair. In case you are looking for more information/questions about how to wrap a gaming chair, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email or comment down below. We will try to answer/reply as soon as possible.

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