How to Remove Blood From Fabric Chair

Blood stains on your sofa or upholstered furniture are an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s from an accidental cut, nosebleed, or other mishap, these unsightly stains can make your favorite furniture look worn and uncared for. The key is to act quickly before the stain has a chance to set into the fabric fibers fully. This comprehensive guide will cover how to remove blood from fabric chair using DIY methods as well as when to call in professional cleaning services.

How to Remove Blood From Fabric Chair

Key Takeaways:

  • Act quickly on fresh blood stains for the best chance of complete removal.
  • Use appropriate cleaning solutions based on the upholstery code (W, S, SW, X).
  • For set-in stains, consider enzymatic cleaners or professional cleaning services.
  • Preventative measures can minimize future staining.

Preparing to Remove the Stain

Before removing a blood stain, check the upholstery code or care tag. This will tell you what types of cleaners are safe to use:

  • W: Water-based cleaners are safe
  • S: Use solvent-based cleaners only
  • SW: Both water and solvent-based cleaners are safe
  • X: Professional cleaning is recommended

Next, test any cleaning solution you plan to use on an inconspicuous upholstery area to check for colorfastness or damage. Gather your supplies like white cloths, soft brushes, and bowls for mixing solutions, and have a dry cloth on hand.

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2 Common Situations for How to Remove Blood From Fabric Chair

Here are the most common situations for how to remove blood from fabric chair:

Situation A: Removing Fresh Blood Stains

The best chance for complete stain removal is addressing it while the blood is still fresh. First, use a white cloth or paper towel to gently blot up any excess blood from the surface, being careful not to rub it deeper into the fabric.

For upholstery coded as W or SW, try one of these DIY cleaning solutions:

1. Cold Water and Dish Soap

Mix a teaspoon of dish soap into a cup of cold water. Dip a clean cloth into the solution and gently blot the stain. Rinse with cold water and blot dry.

Dip a Clean Cloth

2. Hydrogen Peroxide

Pour a small amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide directly onto the stain and allow it to sit for 5 minutes to treat the stain. Blot with a clean cloth and rinse thoroughly with cold water.

3. Salt Water

Make a solution of 1 tsp salt in 1 cup of cool water. Dab this onto the bloodstain and allow it to sit for 10 minutes before blotting with a dry cloth.

For upholstery safe for solvents (S or SW), you can use straight rubbing alcohol or a solvent-based upholstery cleaner. Always rinse thoroughly and blot dry.

No matter the cleaning solution, avoid using warm water which can permanently set the stain. Dab and blot, never rub vigorously. Allow the area to air dry completely once treated.

Situation B: Removing Set-In or Dried Blood Stains

Dried blood stains are trickier to remove fully, but not impossible with some elbow grease. For set-in stains on W, S, or SW-coded upholstery:

1. Pretreat the Stain

Use a soft brush to loosen any dried, caked-on residue from the fabric. Try flushing with cold water to rehydrate and lift out some of the stains.

Use a Soft Brush to Loosen Any Dried

2. Baking Soda Paste

Make a paste by mixing baking soda and water. Gently work this into the stain using a soft brush or cloth, being careful not to grind the paste into the fabric. Allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes before wiping or blotting away. Rinse thoroughly.

3. Enzymatic Cleaner

For tough, dried-on blood stains, use an enzymatic upholstery cleaner made specifically for tackling protein stains. Spray or blot it onto the affected area and allow the recommended dwell time before blotting and rinsing away.

4. Other DIY Solutions

An ammonia solution (1 tbsp ammonia to 1/2 cup water) or a mix of laundry detergent, glycerin, and water in a spray bottle can help loosen dried blood stains when blotted onto the area.

If home stain removal methods aren’t working, call in a professional upholstery cleaning service that has powerful equipment and stain removers to extract set-in stains.

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Preventing Future Stains

While stains are inevitable, you can help prevent future soiled upholstery:

  • Use a fabric protector spray designed for upholstery
  • Cover furniture with washable pads or furniture covers
  • Routinely vacuum upholstery and have it professionally cleaned

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Cover Furniture With Washable Pads or Furniture Covers

FAQs About How to Remove Blood From Fabric Chair

Will Blood Come Out of Cloth Seats?

Yes, blood can come out of cloth seats, but the success of removing it largely depends on how quickly you address the stain and the cleaning method you use. To remove blood from cloth seats, act quickly to blot the stain with a clean, damp cloth without rubbing. Rinse the area with cold water to prevent setting the stain. Apply a stain remover or a mix of one tablespoon dish soap with two cups of cold water, gently blotting the stain. For tougher stains, an enzyme cleaner could be effective. If the stain remains, consider repeating the cleaning process or seeking professional help. Always test cleaning solutions on a small, hidden area first to ensure they don’t damage the fabric.

What is the Best Blood Stain Remover?

For removing blood stains, enzyme-based cleaners are typically the most effective, with OxiClean, hydrogen peroxide, Zout Laundry Stain Remover, Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar, and Carbona Stain Devils #4 being among the top recommendations. These products work by breaking down the proteins in the blood, making the stains easier to wash out. The choice of cleaner may depend on the fabric type and whether the stain is fresh or has been set. Always test your chosen stain remover on a small, hidden area first and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.

Does Salt Remove Blood Stains?

Yes, salt can be effective in removing fresh blood stains due to its absorbent properties. To use it, mix salt with cold water to create a paste, apply it directly to the stain, and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, gently blot the area with a damp cloth and rinse thoroughly with cold water. This method works best on fresh stains and should be used promptly for optimal results. Avoid using hot water as it can set the stain into the fabric permanently.

Does Baking Soda Remove Blood Stains?

Yes, baking soda can be effective in removing blood stains due to its natural cleaning and deodorizing properties. To use it, mix baking soda with cold water to create a paste, apply it to the stain, and gently rub it in. Let the paste dry for 30 minutes to an hour before rinsing off with cold water. Finally, launder the fabric as usual. This method is safe for light-colored fabrics, but always test on a small, hidden area first to ensure it doesn’t damage the material.

Can Vinegar Remove Blood Stains?

Yes, vinegar, particularly white vinegar, can be effective in removing blood stains. White vinegar can effectively remove blood stains due to its mild acidity, which breaks down the blood. To use, soak the stain in white vinegar for 10-30 minutes, then gently blot with a cloth or paper towel. Rinse the area with cold water and launder as usual. It’s especially good for delicate fabrics but always test on a small, hidden part of the fabric first to ensure there’s no damage. For tougher stains, repeated treatments may be needed.


Don’t let unsightly blood stains on your sofa leave you seeing red! By acting quickly on fresh stains and using the right cleaning solutions and methods for your upholstery type, you can successfully remove blood stains yourself. For set-in or stubborn stains, enlist the professionals. With some know-how and a little elbow grease, your favorite upholstered furniture can look fresh and pristine again.

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