How to Keep Elderly From Sliding Out Of Chair

If you have an elderly family member who is starting to slip out of their chair more often, it’s time to start thinking about ways to keep them safe. While they may be able to take care of themselves physically, they can still be vulnerable if they’re not careful. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for how to keep elderly from sliding out of chair.

How to Keep Elderly From Sliding Out Of Chair

Why Do Elderly People Tend to Slide Out of Chairs?

Elderly people tend to slide out of chairs due to weakened leg muscles and a lack of balance. As people age, their leg muscles become weaker, making it harder to maintain their balance. This can cause them to slide down in their chairs. Also, the natural aging process can cause people to experience reduced flexibility and joint pain, which can make it more difficult for them to maintain their position in the chair. In addition, furniture that is too low or too soft can cause an elderly person to slide out of their seat without adequate warning.

What Are the Common Causes of Elderly People Sliding Out of Chairs?

Here are some common causes of elderly people sliding out of their chairs:

  • Poorly designed chairs – Chairs that are too low, lack armrests, or have slippery material can increase the risk of elderly people sliding out of their chairs.
  • Weakness/Loss of Balance – Aging can cause weakened muscles and a decrease in balance, which can make it harder for elderly people to stay seated in their chairs.
  • Poor Posture – Slouching in chairs can lead to a lack of support and stability, which can make it easier for elderly people to slide out of their chairs.
  • Mobility Issues – Limited mobility can also make it difficult for elderly people to stay seated in their chairs.
  • Medications – Certain medications can cause dizziness or confusion, which can lead to elderly people sliding out of their chairs.
Medications Can Cause Dizziness or Confusion

9 Best Ways To Prevent Elderly People From Sliding Out Of Their Chairs

1. Select Proper Chair

Selecting the right type of chair for elderly people is essential for preventing incidents of sliding out of their chairs. Chairs should be high enough so that the elderly person can rise easily, and armrests should be available to provide additional support. Chairs designed with a wide base and low center of gravity can provide better stability while avoiding chairs with slippery material or too much padding can help prevent sliding.

Additionally, while elderly people may want to sit in recliners, they should avoid chairs that recline excessively, as this can cause them to slide out of the chair.

2. Place the Chair at a Proper Angle or Place

Proper positioning of the chair is also important. It should be placed close to a wall or stable object, as this helps provide support and reduces the risk of sliding. The elderly person should also be sitting slightly forward, with their feet firmly on the floor. This is to ensure that the feet are properly positioned and that the elderly person has better balance when standing from a chair.

3. Position Their Legs and Feet Properly

Additionally, the elderly person’s legs and feet should be positioned properly when sitting in a chair. The feet should be flat on the floor and the legs should be at a 90-degree angle. This prevents the elderly person from sliding out of the chair and also provides the best support for their legs and feet.

Best Support for Their Legs and Feet

4. Use a Recliner Instead of a Regular Chair

Recliners are ideal for elderly people as they provide more support than regular chairs. They have a wider base and a lower center of gravity, making them more stable and harder to tip over. Additionally, recliners are padded for comfort, but the padding should not be too thick or slippery as this can increase the risk of sliding. Finally, recliners can be adjusted to support the legs and feet, thereby reducing the risk of sliding.

5. Recline in the Right Position

It is important to ensure that the elderly person is reclining in the right position. They should be reclining at an angle of about 45 degrees so that the feet are still on the floor and the back is properly supported. Additionally, an adjustable footstool can help to keep the feet in the correct position. This will not only help to reduce the risk of sliding out of the chair but also provides comfort and support.

6. Get Extra Support

Additional support can be provided with a cushion or a pillow placed between the elderly person and the arm of the recliner. This will help to prevent them from sliding too far down in the chair and will provide extra comfort and support. Additionally, an adjustable footrest can be used to keep the feet in the correct position, thereby reducing the risk of sliding out of the chair. Finally, a lap belt or a waist belt can also be used to provide extra stability and reduce the risk of slipping out of the chair.

7. Put Up Armrests for Support

Armrests can be a great way to provide extra support and prevent sliding out of the chair. They should be placed appropriately and securely, so they are able to be grabbed if needed. Additionally, they will help elderly people to have stable support when they move around the chair. Furthermore, armrests can also provide comfort and help keep elderly people in the right position while sitting.

Armrests Can Also Provide Comfort

8. Adjust the Recliner Seat Depth

If the recliner’s seat is too deep for the elderly person, then it can cause them to slide out of the chair. It is important to adjust the seat depth so that the elderly person’s feet are firmly planted on the ground.

9. Install Sliding Brakes on the Bottom of the Chair Legs

Sliding brakes can be an effective way to prevent an elderly person from sliding out of the chair. Installing brakes on the bottom of each chair leg can help to reduce the risk of movement and also provide stability when the chair is in use. The brakes should be adjusted to ensure the right amount of force is applied so that the elderly person stays in place and can easily move around the chair without any risks. Additionally, having brakes installed can help to minimize the risk of falls and other injuries.

You Can Check It Out to Make Chair Pockets for Classroom

How to Choose the Right Chair for an Elderly Person

Here are some key factors to consider when choosing the right chair for an elderly person:

  1. Choose a chair that is comfortable and supportive. When choosing a chair for an elderly person, make sure it is comfortable and supportive. Look for a chair with a wide, cushioned seat and a supportive back that can help keep the elderly person’s spine in a healthy position.
  2. Consider adjustable features. Look for a chair with adjustable features such as armrests, a reclining back, and adjustable height. This will allow the elderly person to customize the chair to their individual needs.
  3. Choose a lightweight chair. It is important to choose a lightweight chair that can be easily moved by the elderly person. Lighter chairs are easier to maneuver and can be moved from room to room.
  4. Choose a chair with a footrest. A footrest can help with circulation and provide added comfort. Look for a footrest that can be adjusted to the elderly person’s height.
  5. Look for a chair with additional safety features. Look for a chair that has safety features such as non-slip feet, a wide base, and a stable frame. These features will help to keep the elderly person safe and secure.

You Can Check It Out to Help an Elderly Person Up From a Chair.

Chair With Additional Safety Features

FAQs About Keeping Elderly From Sliding Out Of Chair

Why Do Older People Have Trouble Getting Out of Chairs?

As people age, their physical capabilities change, and the process of getting up from a chair can become harder. Slower reflexes, weaker muscles, and decreased flexibility can lead to difficulty in rising from a seated position. In some cases, elderly people may require assistance, such as grab bars or other assistive devices, to get up safely. Knowing how to properly position the chair and providing enough cushioning can also reduce the risk of falls and make it easier for elderly people to rise.

What to Do With an Older Person Who Keeps Falling?

If an elderly person falls and is unable to get up, it is important to stay calm and call for help. Do not try to lift the person up, as this could cause further injury. If the person is bleeding, apply pressure to the wound and elevate the limb if possible. Once help arrives, follow their instructions on how to safely move the person.


It’s important to keep elderly people active and engaged, but it can be difficult to find ways to keep them engaged. One way to keep them engaged is by providing them with a variety of activities that they can participate in at home. These nine best ways to prevent elderly people from sliding out of their chairs include taking a walk outside, doing puzzles, playing cards, reading books, watching TV shows together, volunteering at an organization that interests them, volunteering at their church, gardening, or cooking.

If you have any questions about this blog post or would like more information on how to keep seniors healthy and active, please let us know! We’re here for all of your needs when it comes to senior care.

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